Recording | Track | Start | Listed Tune Name | Type |
John A. MacDonaldScottish Fiddling | 11 | 00:00 | Lady Francis of Boharm’s | C strathspey |
The Beatons of MabouCape Breton Fiddle and Piano Music | 9 | 00:00 | The Brig o’ Balater Strathspey | C strathspey |
Morgan MacQuarrieOver the Cabot Trail | 10 | 03:33 | The Brigg of Ballater | C strathspey |
Donald MacLellanDonald MacLellan | 11 | 00:00 | Lady Dunn | C strathspey |
Donald Angus BeatonLive at the House | 4 | 00:00 | The Bridge of Balater | C strathspey |